Authors are encouraged to submit high quality, original work that has not appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals. Expanded versions of papers which have previously appeared in conference proceedings can be considered; the authors must then clearly state at the time of submission the conference publication and provide a statement of revisions/updates that have been made to the journal paper. In order to be considered for publication, the version of the paper submitted to the iEnglish journal should represent a significant improvement over the original in terms of presentation and completeness and/or additional input and new results.
Please submit the manuscript in our online submission manger considering the following guidelines:
- Use MLA (Modern Languages Association) documentation style (8th edition handbook). For quick reference, Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab is a good resource:
- Article length is usually between 5,000 – 8,000 words. Please edit longer articles so the argument comes forward succinctly.
- Include a short abstract with key words (150 words max.)
- Submit articles in MS Word or compatible format.
- Note that our review process can take up to six months.
- All contributions must include a short biographical information of the author(s).
Ready to submit?
So you’ve done your research, written it up, and are about to submit. Have a look at this checklist to make sure you’ve included everything you need to. Before submitting your manuscript, thoroughly check its quality once again for correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Evaluate it critically—could anything be done better?
Pre-Submission Checklist
- Is your article clear, concise, and accessible?
- Have you stuck to the article length specified in the journal’s instructions for authors?
- Have you included an abstract and keywords, highlighting your article’s key points?
- Have you included the name and affiliation of any/all co-authors?
- Is your article formatted to the style required by the journal?
- Are all references made to the literature included in your references section?
- Have you got written permission for the reproduction of any images/ figures/tables, etc?
- Have you checked the journal’s peer-review policy, as you may need to make your paper anonymous?
- Are all files in the correct file format and of the appropriate resolution or size?
- Have you submitted the copyright declaration available in the journal website?
- Have you included information about the research funding in the paper?